Risk Assessment

Risk Assesment

The Weather!

        If the weather on the day of the filming is raining meaning a damp wet working condition. This can make the working environment very hard to work in, if a member of the working team happens to slip over when carrying equipment then it could cause the person discomfort and pain if he/she happens to injury themselves in the process. Because we are filming in the winter where the roads and pathways are going to be icy and slippery. This will relate to the rain risk from slipping over as it could interfere with the work schedule.
        To prevent this from happening in the working environment then you need to either pick a nice sunny day with clear weather for the whole day, which will prevent slipping over as the ground you are working on will not be wet and you will have a much greater chance of being comfortable in the working environment and a less chance of slipping over and injuring yourself as a result.
        To prevent this we could either pick a good working day that shows the location not to have any dangers as in a weather hazard. Or if all the days available for filming are going to to be icy then we would need to be careful and try to make the working environment as safe as possible.

Surroundings in the Work Area

        Because we're filming in Buckingham which is going to be next to the bridge, also a small wooded area surrounding the bridge. If something was to go wrong then it could easily put the working members in damage as it could cause serious or minimal injury. If a branch off of a tree is suddenly happened to fall onto a work member then it is more than likely to cause serious injury to the person. Because of the location then cars will surely be driving around this area because it is a public road, if we do not take this into consideration then somebody could get seriously injured if not managed the situation correctly.
        To prevent these from happening, we need to look around and see what dangers there could be and remove them completely from the scene. If you see an overhanging branch that could be a hazard to the working members then either remove the branch or film somewhere that the branch is not going to be a risk to filming.
        To prevent the cars from being a major risk to the filming cast then we need to know when a car or cars are going to stop the filming if a certain scene is needed to be close to the road or onto the road.

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