The Blurb

The Plot

Displayed below is a storyboard and the plot line with in a description of our film.
The film is a typical horror/thriller about an abandoned mysterious college. In the opening scenes of the film a group of teenagers break into an old abandoned Technology College. The setting is set at night. There is not a single sign of any foot prints over thick layers of dust. As they enter the building they discover sings of someone or something living there.


Imagine you are a 17 year old teenager currently going to a local sixth form, working part time. Imagine having to get up every day to school with the same old routine. Having to make the same type of cereal with a glass of fresh orange juice. Having to have wait 5 minutes longer outside your friend’s house because he got up late. Always getting told off for being late in the morning. This has all changed until a group of teenagers have discovered an abandoned Technology College. 
On one Saturday night Jack and his 3 other mates broke into the abandoned college. As they have entered the premises they have discovered strange and paranormal activities happening in the building. 

Not a foot print anywhere, moon light streaming through the gaps in the heavy velvet curtains, absolute silence. Imagine having to come to a moment when you know that all your same predictable actions and routines will change and never be the same.

27 of January 2015 at 12:43AM was the last time anybody have ever seen the teenagers again

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